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中国开源软件推进联盟(英文全称:China OSS Promotion Union,英文缩写:COPU,以下简称"联盟")是在政府主管部门指导下,由致力于开源软件文化、技术、产业、教学、应用、支撑的企业、社区、客户、 大专院校、科研院所、行业协会、支撑机构等组织自愿组成的、民主议事的民间行业联合体,非独立社团法人组织。在2004年7月22日于北京成立。 联盟的宗旨是为推动中国开源软件(Linux/OSS)的发展和应用而努力;为促进中日韩以及中国与全球关于开源运动(Linux/OSS)的沟通、交流与合作而努力;为促进全球开源运动(Linux/OSS)做出贡献而努力。 联盟的作用是为推动Linux/OSS的发展,充分发挥联盟在政府与企业之间有关立法、政策、规 划和环境建设方面的桥梁、纽带与促进作用;充分发挥联盟在企业与用户、企业与企业、企业与社区、中外企业/社区间、企业与科研、教育、支撑机构之间关于研 发、生产、教育、培训、测试、认证、标准化、应用等方面沟通、交流、合作、推进的桥梁、纽带与促进作用。 China OSS Promotion Union (hereinafter referred to as “COPU”) is a social alliance voluntarily formed by enterprises, communities, colleges, research institutions, customers, industry organizations and supporting agencies under the guidance of government industrial administration departments. It is a non-government organization and stands as an independent corporate legal person. It was founded on July.22nd, 2004, in Beijing. The aim of COPU is to promote development and application of Linux/ OSS in China; to promote the communication and cooperation on open source movement among China, Japan and Korea; to make contribution to global open source movement development. COPU will bring into full play its role of bridging the government with enterprises in policy guidance and implementation, its role of bridging enterprises with the users, enterprises with each other, enterprises with communities, domestic enterprises/communities with their foreign counterparts in communication, combination and cooperation in terms of R&D, manufacturing, training, testing, certification, standardization and applications, etc.
