



1330 - 1400 注册
1400 - 1500 程序员如何参与区块链开源项目并获取收益---CR100和Empower35详细介绍
1500 - 1520 互动
1520 - 1550 实际开发Demo展示
1550 - 1610 互动
1610 - 1635 圆桌交流
1635 - 1730 自由交流






Kevin G Zhang
亦来云硅谷基地CTO. Cyber Republic 的创始人. 亦来云区块链技术布道师和全球开发者社区领袖.  清华大学94届毕业. 现居加州硅谷. 历经科技前沿各个浪潮之巅始终潜行探索. 

Clarence Liu

He is the Lead Evangelist of Elastos and one of the managers of the Cyber Republic project. He has been a software engineer in Silicon Valley for over 5 years and graduated from the University of British Columbia, Canada in 2009.


++ ABOUT Elastos ++
Elastos is the safe and reliable internet of the future. Built utilizing the blockchain, this technological breakthrough provides the first completely safe environment on the web where decentralized applications are detached from the internet while also permitting full scalability to millions of users. Elastos enables the generation of wealth through ownership and exchange of your data and digital assets..

White Paper:
Developers Community:

时间:09-01 14:00 - 16:35
地点:南山区琼宇路3号特发信息科技大厦 23楼 思微

