Apache RocketMQ 5.0, Embracing the Distributed Messaging Standar
冯嘉 Apache RocketMQ 创始人
Realtime Statistics based on Apache Strom and RockMQ
王鑫 菜鸟 高级开发工程师
Performance Tuning and Big Data Ecosystem
刘振东 Apache RocketMQ PMC/Committer
Best Practice for Apache RocketMQ-陈广胜
陈广胜 Apache RocketMQ Contributor
Best Practice for Apache RocketMQ-周新宇
周新宇 Apache RocketMQ PMC/Committer
Core Features of Apache RocketMQ
林俊杰 Apache RocketMQ Committer
菜鸟 高级开发工程师
Apache RocketMQ Contributor
Apache RocketMQ PMC/Committer
Apache RocketMQ Committer
时间:12-16 14:00 - 18:30