


Ning Zhong received the Ph.D. degree from the University of Tokyo. He is currently head of Knowledge Information Systems Laboratory, and a professor in Department of Life Science and Informatics at Maebashi Institute of Technology, Japan. He is also director and an adjunct professor in the International WIC Institute (WICI), a principle investigator of Brain Informatics Based Wisdom Service group at Beijing Advanced Innovation Center for Future Internet Technology. Beijing University of Technology. Dr. Zhong's present research interests include Web Intelligence (WI), Brain Informatics (BI), Data Mining, Granular Computing, and Intelligent Information Systems. Currently, he is focusing on “WI meets BI” research and brain big data computing. The synergy between WI and BI advances our ways of analyzing and understanding of data, information, knowledge, wisdom, as well as their interrelationships, organizations, and creation processes, to achieve human-level Web intelligence reality. Such interdisciplinary studies make up the field of brain informatics and its applications in brain big data computing, health studies, ICT for smart-city, brain-inspired intelligent systems among others.

Dr. Zhong is the founding editor-in-chief of Web Intelligence journal (IOS Press), the editor-in-chief of Brain Informatics journal (Springer Nature), the editor-in-chief of Brain Informatics & Health (BIH) book series (Springer Nature), and serves as associate editor/editorial board for several international journals and book series. Dr. Zhong is the co-founder and co-chair of Web Intelligence Consortium (WIC), chair of the IEEE Computational Intelligence Society Task Force on Brain Informatics, co-founder and steering committee co-chair of IEEE/WIC/ACM international conference on Web Intelligence (WI), and co-founder and steering committee co-chair of international conference on Brain Informatics (BI).


Ning Zhong

时间:05-18 09:00 - 05-19 12:00
地点:上海市静安区江场三路258号 市北高新商务中心 三楼宴会厅中厅

